Development of Management Strategy Evaluations (MSEs) based on the Fmsy values obtained from the Fmsy-project for six high profile fish stocks.
Three further analysis finalized - Trends in sea mammals fish consumption - click here, age-based MSE for mackerel - click here, and for blue whiting - click here.
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New Fmsy values were made available by the Fmsy-project (www.fmsyproject.net) for 53 data rich fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic. They can be used directly in fisheries management in connection with a simple harvest control rule (HCR). The main results were published in 2020 in ICES Journal of Marine Science, click here.
However, if managers want to apply more complex HCRs new so-called Management Strategy Evaluations (MSEs) are needed. These can be age based for a few stocks where the relationship between stock size and growth, maturity and natural mortality are established. For most stocks, alternative approaches are needed. The current project will develop MSEs based on surplus production models.
For special questions contact Henrik Sparholt (henrik.sparholt@gmail.com).